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Disconnect to Reconnect

This Week On The Blog

Less of This


Hi there.  I'm Kay.  I started this site because somewhere along the way, I noticed that I was spending far too much time with my head down focused on the small screen and not enough time with my eyes up, appreciating the incredible world around me.  It's this new "normal" of being tethered to a device that feels anything but normal.  

My journey over the past few years has lead me to real connections with new people, places and ideas.  It’s these journeys and the people I’ve met along the way that have inspired me to disconnect and reconnect with the world around me.  


Throughout my life, I've come to discover that every winding road holds a story waiting to be told.  

This space is dedicated to sharing those stories along with ideas and inspiration for new adventures.  I hope you’ll find something here to spark your imagination and inspire you on your own journey - even if that journey is in your own backyard.

Kay K. Wood

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